Tuesday, October 26, 2004
A Long Time Coming
It's been a long time coming for my best friend Zach's band.. that's what I'm talking about.
Check it out. Last night I went down with my best friend Zach and the band (www.dizmas.com) and they started recording their first full-length record! It was surreal. I'm not kidding. I was totally pumped. I went down to take pictures of them

and just hang out and they were starting to record the drum tracks. Obviously there is only so much I can tell you because of the copyright laws and everything, but I can say that the album is gonna rock! The picture you see here is of nick (the bass player) and me and I put the camera in the refrigerator and took a pic! I felt good. Anyways.. go check out their site and come back and see if I've updated shaycam.com. You kids have a good Monday.
PS. I've almost got all my pics from trip upload. Just give me like one more day and I'll give you kids a link to check em' out! ok bye..
Posted by Shay Thomason at 1:18 PM
Sunday, October 24, 2004
"..I'm in Los Angeles Today.."
I'm back.. home again. It was fun to watch our video with my girlfriend and my friends and look at all my pictures! I've got so much work to do right now! Really, I should be studying.. I gotta roll! I've basically got my pics up so give me some time to upload them all and make it work.. don't worry. I'm on top of this stuff.. peace..
Posted by Shay Thomason at 11:56 PM
"..Leaving.. on a Jet Plane.."
yesterday was a rock and roll time. Tristan, Justin, and me actually met up with one of our other friends Steve and we took Seattle by storm! It seriously was so much fun. We've got video and pics and all sorts of media.. but let me just say this. If you are ever up here in Seattle, you have to check out that Seattle Public Library! oh man, it's so cool. Hopefully when I get back my pictures will tell the story...
But all that to say that today we say goodbye to our friends in the northwest.. It's been a good trip. fun times. great moments. lots of memories. Our plane leaves in only 2 hours and right now we're getting ready to leave for the airport. (don't worry it's only 10 minutes away). So.. I gotta roll because Justin has to check his email. you kids have a great Lord's Day and I'll see yah soon!
Posted by Shay Thomason at 11:51 AM
Saturday, October 23, 2004
Onward to Seattle
So we've been chilling up here in the great northwest and its been a really good time. But it seriously has been a long couple of days. We've been waking up around 5:00 every morning and getting done around 7pm. But it has been an enjoyable time at the seminary and I really appreciate their hospitality.
Anyways.. today it's just going to be Tristan, Justin, and me and we're heading to Seattle! No parents! No legal-guardians! No hosts! No role-models! No chaperones! No anybodys! Just us! Its gonna be freakin' awesome. We've got our cameras all charged up... we've got new tapes for the video and a clean disk for the still shots. Soon we'll be taking a boat across the water and our journey will begin. Our stops you might ask?... Well this is some: Ivar's (for some sweet fish and chips and clam chowder), REI (for the complete outdooor experience), Rudy's Barber Shop (for the best haircut money can buy), Seattle Library (for the most glass that any library has), Pike's Place Starbucks (for the original Starbucks experience), Pike's Place Market (for the flying fish and big buff guys that catch em'), and much much more!! We're pumped.. I can't wait to get back and show you kids my pics.. it's going to be awesome!! Alright.. that's all.. I'm outta here.. you kids have an excellent Saturday!
Posted by Shay Thomason at 9:30 AM
Thursday, October 21, 2004
North By Northwest
what else can I say?.. this is my lifestyle. Sorry I don't have a pic to show you guys, but I have been taking some wicked awesome pics since I have been up here. I'm going to upload them for everyone to see as soon as I'm back! It's gonna be great.. you'll see. Anyways, Justin (my roommate) and I got up here yesterday nice and safe and we're staying with a really cool couple here just outside of Seattle. We spent all today (from 5:00AM on till about 5:15pm ((start to finish)) ) at the seminary and it was a good time. The professors are very nice, humble men and the program seems to be pretty legit. But seriously, the coolest thing about this place is the mansion that the school is in! I can't wait for you peeps to see my pics!! I'm not joking. This is a 1923-1924 mansion that was built by a super wealthy family called the "Wherehousers". This thing is nuts! I'm not joking.. everything from a huge zinc coated pipe organ to a view of the Puget Sound (water) that will kill you!! It's great.. but.. I'm kind of being anti-social by writing this while my host family is making dinner.. so I'm gonna roll. You kids keep up the good work.. We're doing some site seeing Seattle on Saturday and I will be taking tons of pics then too! See yah soon!
Posted by Shay Thomason at 5:58 PM
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Forecast for LA and Seattle: Rain
Rain.. that's what I've been seeing for a few days now and it makes me very happy... maybe if it rains long enough they will cancel class! That happened my freshman year, it was awesome. ok check it. I'm heading to Seattle tomorrow to check out a seminary and the forecast.. rain. I'm totally pumped right now. my roommate and I are going and we're meeting one of my friends who is already up there. It should be a good time. My CT scan went well, but I won't find anything out until monday, so that's kind of a bummer. but hey.. I'm getting sleepy and I have to do a little packing tomorrow, so if I don't have time to update while I'm in Washington, you kids have a good weekend. peace
Posted by Shay Thomason at 10:11 PM
Sunday, October 17, 2004
Nothing to Do With Cats
Main Entry: CAT scan
Pronunciation: 'kat-'skan, "sE-"A-'tE-Function:
noun: a sectional view of the body constructed by computed tomography called also CT scan
Source: Merriam-Webster Medical Dictionary, © 2002 Merriam-Webster, Inc.
Interestingly enough.. it has nothing to do with cats.. but everything to do with what I am doing tomorrow. You see, in the past couple of weeks I have been pretty sick. You might recall some of my previous posts about asthma and whatnot, but now they are going to check my sinus'. So at around 12:45pm tomorrow I'll be entering that great tube thingy that you see in all the movies, but know that when they go in something bad happens. I'm not saying something bad is going to happen; all I'm saying is that I'm going in there tomorrow and that's all.
I spent the weekend at my parents house. It was a good time of relaxing and getting stuff done. I actually made myself a list of things I wanted to do which included 12 different items. Stuff from paying my Visa bill to praying. I got most of it done, in fact, all but one and that is because I'm too lazy to look through my car for my paycheck stub! Anyways, you could be praying that all goes well with this CT scan and that they will find what they are looking for in this body of mine. Thanks!
As way of encouragement, I read this to you:
Romans 6:4-7 "Therefore we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life. For if we have become united with Him in the likeness of His death, certainly we shall also be in the likeness of His resurrection, knowing this, that our old self was crucified with Him, in order that our body of sin might be done away with, so that we would no longer be slaves to sin; for he who has died is freed from sin."
Posted by Shay Thomason at 8:03 PM
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Psalm 15
Chapel was seriously awesome this morning. We had a split chapel, which basically means the girls had their own chapel and the guys had their own chapel. Our dean of men spoke to all of us men on Psalm 15 and gave us 10 Qualities of a True Worshipper.
They are straight from Psalm 15 (I would suggest reading it):
1. He walks in integrity
2. He works rightousness
3. He speaks truth in his heart
4. Not a backbiter
5. Not an evildoer
6. Not one who shames
7. He honors those who honor God
8. He honors his own word
9. Doesn't allow finances to lure him away
10. Doesn't use his money to impress.
These are all the guys I was sitting by:
We're trying to be men of God.. so pray for us :)
Posted by Shay Thomason at 1:49 PM
Sunday, October 10, 2004
Absolutely Necessary
It's been kind of a crazy last couple of days. Didn't have any school this week, well, from Wednesday on. But anyways I had a great time doing open air evangelism on Wed. night with the students. God really used that time and I think all of us were stretched.
Ok, but check it out. I bought a couple of new shirts and a new backpack on Friday night, it was tight. Been working a few extra hours this week because of school being off. So that should help with the finances a little bit. I've been taking my camera with me a lot of places and that's been fun. I should probably take a photography class and figure out how to maximize my skills, you know?... Right now I'm sitting the student center at school and I'm listening to Coldplay. It's kind of a chill moment. Like a music video, but obviously not as cool as any Coldplay video that has ever been made. But very much have the cafe style feel. It's nice. Warm. Cozy... ahh...
I think the new shaycam blog is going over pretty well. I appreciate the posts, they make me laugh. OOH.. I just remembered something I was going to ask you guys: Should I cut my hair or let grow out? Let' start a discussion about it. I feel good.. ok bye.
Posted by Shay Thomason at 9:27 PM
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
I went to doctor again today.. got some meds. Feeling weird. I think it's all in my head though. But what am I supposed to do when there is a huge label that says "MAY CAUSE YOU TO FEEL REALLY WEIRD!". I'm kinda thinkin'.. hhm.. that's weird. No but seriously, he didn't like the way things looked inside my ear so he gave me some real intense stuff. That's all.
Tonight I'm going out and doing some street evangelism and that should be cool. I can't wait. It's going to be awesome heading out with the high school students in a town that is full of money and wealth, or some might call it idols. These people sometimes feel like they don't need anything else, but I know that they need a Savior. So I'm gonna go tell them about it.
Posted by Shay Thomason at 4:24 PM
Sunday, October 03, 2004
something fun happened today. I bought this frame! and I got these pictures of coffee stuff from my work and then I put it all together and now I have this! isn't it great.. ok that's all
anyways.. I think I've been feeling better. actually, after I write this blog I am going to try and go to bed a little earlier just to start the week off right you know?.. it's been a long day. I played drums for all three services in the morning, and also for night service, but it's been really freakin' cool.. we're going through James in the AM, and in the PM we're going through Matt. 6. So anyways.. learning a ton.. if you think about me write me an email or send me money.. thanks to everyone who has been posting on my site. This is great! I love it! Ok.. peace out.. oh and one more thing. Could you please go to Starbucks tomorrow and buy something.. I really want my new stock to go up! haha.. just jokin'.. bye!
Posted by Shay Thomason at 9:38 PM
Saturday, October 02, 2004
Morning Sunshine!
I just thought I'd drop you all a note and tell you what the doctor said. After a check-up from the doc himself, x-rays of my chest, and finally a breathing test on this sweet machine... the doctor says I have asthma, and an infection on top of it. Seriously, isn't that crazy. I thought it was. So I went out with Bethany last night and we went and got food and a movie; that was fun. Right now I have a stuffy nose and need to take a shower. I work later today so that's kind of a bummer. That's all, just a quick update. The sun is shining today which is awesome.. so I'm outta here.
Posted by Shay Thomason at 10:54 AM