Sunday, February 20, 2005

Rain: Like Running Through the Sprinklers in Our Clothes

"This is Shay Thomason reporting live on StormWatch 2005."
So.. you've all heard about these crazy storms we've been having in southern cali. it's been so awesome. I have never seen so much water in my entire life. If I wasn't so worried about my camera getting soaked I would try to get a picture in the rain. But I don't have an umbrella. I'm a SoCal kid, we don't carry umbrellas with us.

Anyways, I captured this picture with my camera when there was a cloud break. A few minutes later it started to rain and be sunny at the same time. it was great. also, I just got back from my parents house. when I was driving back the rain was so crazy. I seriously thought the 210 freeway was a river. no joke, this thing was nuts. then when we got to the 5 freeway, it was a lake. as of right now I'm sitting in my room and I hear the rain pounding on the roof and I love it. I love rain. rain rain on my face. I love it. ok, time for bed for me. hopefully they will cancel classes tomorrow. now I know what you're thinking "Shay, you don't have class tomorrow, it's Presidents day." well.. I've already thought of that, but we DO have class. we don't take that holiday off. but, maybe God will give it to us anyways. ok peace out.

Posted by Shay Thomason at 11:56 PM


Monday, February 14, 2005

"Smart People Disagree"

that's what my philosophy professor said today. I thought it was so counter what we were learning and that it was great! "Smart People Disagree." Talk about an understatement. He was being very serious when he said it, and it makes me laugh. that's all.

how's your valentines day? I've had kind of a rough day. Wish I could go back and start over, but that's life I guess. wish sometimes I would just close my mouth. that's all I can handle for one post. hope your dates go well.

Posted by Shay Thomason at 4:23 PM


Saturday, February 12, 2005

you kids rock!

I appreciate everyone for living me a comment! That was very nice of you. Even you Anonymous, though I am sorry that I make you upset, if there is anyway for me to make it right with you, I will do it. I would ask that maybe you could leave me a comment if/when I make you mad. That way I might be able to clear up anything that was confusing. My heart isn't to divide and conquer, or say things just to make people mad. I hope you know that, whoever you are.

I just spent some time reading a book that I think is a must have for any Christian that is struggling with the spiritual disciplines of being a disciple of Christ. It's really just a devotional book and I think you might check it out. It's called "Disciplines for life" by C.J. Mahaney and John Loftness. It's really a good book for your quiet time. check it out, I think you'll enjoy it.

It's been an good Saturday. I was at 3:40am to be at work by 4:15, and I had a good shift. The sun finally came out today and that was nice. I enjoyed driving with my window down as I came home today. Rockin' out in my car to my music, lovin' it. :) Alright, I'm off to Target to get some stuff that I've been planning on getting for a week. I just got paid yesterday so that's why I had to wait! It's funny how I work all the time and really never see where that money goes. ok.. you kids have a good weekend.. rock on.

Posted by Shay Thomason at 4:10 PM


Friday, February 11, 2005

no love

I guess no one comes to my site anymore. I talk up like I get 1,000 hits a day, but in actuality I think I am writing for myself. It's like a private blog. I'm only saying this because I haven't had that many repsonses to my journals in a while. maybe it's because they have been more on the serious side of things, but I was hoping more people would post comments. If could just please post me a comment and tell me you're reading this that would bring back my enthusiasm. it's not that I'm sad or anything, I just want to make sure you kids are still alive.

so... post me something... or I might be sad. ok bye

Posted by Shay Thomason at 4:40 PM


Monday, February 07, 2005

black and white day

sometimes things don't seem so black and white do they? I find that this is true most of the time in the post-modern world in which we live. constantly people are trying to support things that they think are totally "right-on" in their agenda, yet there are so many other voices screaming at them, telling them that they can't "impose their beliefs on me!" have you been apart of this? is it even right? do you believe in absolute truth? I do. things are black and white. in fact, the bible is black and white. yes, it has black ink and white pages, but it's a lot more black and white then what it is in the physical world. it contains those things black and white thoughts that our culture is very rapidly moving away from. starting with absolute truth and working its way down to abortion, homosexuality, marriage rights, family life, life after death, and ultimately is their even a God?

the world we live in is failing. it's failing to do exactly what the Bible calls us to do, and that is to glorify God. we live in a fallen world. the world wants us to think that we can't have truth. yet Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6). but people don't want to hear that today do they? they want to live in their big American houses and enjoy the pleasures of this world. Paul told Timothy in 2nd Timothy that "The time will come... and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables (2 Tim. 4:3-4). has that time come? I think so. it's been here awhile. probably before I was even born.

so what now? Repent and believe in the gospel. Romans 10:9 says, "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved." that's pretty much black and white. turn to Christ today. and if you have already done this, then go read your Bible. learn what it has to say about this life. go to church. commune with other believers and enjoy the fellowship of the body of Christ.

this world is only fading away, but Christ is forever. I could spend the rest of my life telling people about this and that is what I am called to do. my heart is heavy today. heavy because so many people may spend the rest of their lives pursuing this world, when Christ is what they need. please, I beg you, for your eternal soul is at stake.

Posted by Shay Thomason at 3:45 PM


Friday, February 04, 2005

a thought from a long evening

Tonight was kind of interesting to say the least. Got called in to work because someone forgot schedule someone. Then, when I got there, I found out that we were missing someon else.. all that to say it was kind of tight for awhile at work.

but enough about work. I'm kind of sick of that place right now. I know that sounds bad, but it's just getting old. I am thankful though that God has provided me a job and that I am able to have money. God is very gracious in that way.

Just got some food today (7:30pm). That has probably added to the long day scenario. But now I'm sitting in Starbucks and all the evening people have left and I am the only one here. wait, some guy just walked in. nevermind. I'm going to stay here for a little bit. if you want, drop by and see me.

Posted by Shay Thomason at 8:00 PM