Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Where have you been, Shay?

getting my life in my order, that's where I've been. Trying to make sure I start the semester off right and with the right mindset. I kind of wish I could show you my "add/drop" slip. It was crazy this time around. I had to get like 6 different classes signed off, but thankfully I am on my way toward victory. "What's that?" you might ask. Victory would be graduating a semester early. And my chances are looking good.

Today I was driving home from work and I had just finished reading an article about our country's (the USA) current stance on abortion. Quite honestly, I believe that abortion is wrong and that it is murder. I take that stance because of numerous Scripture references that support it, but I was just amazed about how people try to think through it. Did you know they are trying to pass a law that says that after 20 weeks, if a woman is seeking an abortion, the doctor will have to tell her that it might hurt the baby and then offer her pain-relief medication for the fetus and her. Really?.. That's what I thought when I was reading it at least. How many months is 20 weeks? Right, 5 months. You know there have been babies born that weren't even 5 months developed and still lived? I understand that this law is really a small step toward reversing the Roe vs. Wade decision in the 70's, but it just saddens my heart. I can appreciate Pres. Bush making the statement that "it's not laws that will ultimately make the change, but people's hearts." He is absolutely right.

The heart of man is extremely wicked. That is the clear teaching of Scripture. But if that is true, then how do we change our hearts is the next question. The answer?.. We don't do it, Jesus Christ does. That is where the sovereign work of a loving and saving God will cause man to be amazed. The work of Christ on the cross changed the path we were on which lead to death. But thankfully we can call on the Savior for salvation. Thankfully he wants all to come to repentance. If you don't know the Savior, Jesus Christ, I would encourage you to read the Bible. Start with 1 John or the book of John. Read the truth of God and the story of His Son's love. Then call on him for salvation. He is the only true God. He is the only one worthy of praise. Let me know if you have any questions email me at shay@shaycam.com. I'll be right back..

Posted by Shay Thomason at 4:34 PM


Thursday, January 20, 2005

Truth and Life

so.. I'm back at school, did I say that in a previous post?.. I'm not sure. I can't remember. anyways. every year at the beginning of the second semester we have a conference that our school puts on. It's a good time. We always have really good speakers and this years topic is called "Glorifying God." If you want you can check it out at Truth and Life. This is a picture of my view from the bleachers in our gym. Don't worry, that kid at the bottom isn't a college student, he's actually one of the junior high students that goes to my church. Him and his brother came to the conference and sat by me. Anyways, as I was sitting in my great (actually not so great) bleacher spot, I saw this woman across the way snoozing it up. It made me laugh. Anyways, I guess that's enough about that. After that I skipped a mandatory financial aid meeting. Everyone that goes to those things realizes that it really doesn't help. I have another chance to go tomorrow, so I might have to do that. School is coming too quicly. I am not liking that one bit. I guess that all's for now. I'm kind of sleepy and I have to go to a basketball game tonight. It's not that I have to go, I just should go, because it's going to be a good time. Two of my roommates are on the team.

oh yeah, one more thing. Remember to breathe.

Posted by Shay Thomason at 6:13 PM


a journal can last beyond a lifetime

I was just thinking that some day when I die, someone might read my journals and maybe try to figure out who I was based on those things. At least, that's what has happened to some people. Like Jonathan Edwards for instance. He was obviously a great man of the Christian faith, but I am reading a biography on him and there are so many views because of how people read his journals. I'm not saying that I am going to be the next Jonathan Edwards, but you never know when you will die. You never know. Death shouldn't be feared if you are saved. "To live is Christ, but to die is gain" is what Paul said to the Phillippians. Is death a true gain for you? Maybe not? It's hard to think about sometimes. I'm at a loss at the moment, so I better go. goodnight, goodbye.

Posted by Shay Thomason at 1:07 AM


Monday, January 17, 2005

Test Email Update

Hey kids, this is shay. I am testing out my abilities with the use of the beautiful world wide web.

Posted by Shay Thomason at 7:24 PM


Just Testing

check it.. check it out now.

Posted by Shay Thomason at 4:00 PM


Sunday, January 09, 2005

Free Airport Internet, A Shaycam Favorite

Ok, So I'm sitting in Portland International Airport waiting for my flight to leave and I got curious about the wireless internet here. But you know what's great?!! It's free here! hehe.. I love it. I'm so online. I mean, I'm like the king of online. Ok not really. But this is pretty cool. This is a picture of us in the snow at Bethany's house. This is where I have been all week. Up in Washington State just chilling, literally. It's been in the 20's like the entire time that I have been here. Check out what we made though. This is like the coolest snowman ever! I love it. So, only like 10 minutes until boarding so I am going to put my laptop away. I am seriously living in like the coolest times ever.

This was never possible. But thankfully it is! Hope all is well with you and I'll see ya soon!

Posted by Shay Thomason at 6:09 PM


Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Jones Soda

Well, I'm in Washington right now. At Bethany's (my girlfriend) house! We're having a good time just hanging out, making banana bread, doing puzzles, listening to good music, and shopping! I got some sweet new swag which I think is perfect for my season. I took this pic today and I thought it was great. Then I went online and posted it to the "Jones Soda Gallery" (www.jonessoda.com). You should go and vote for it in the gallery at their website. If you do a search for "shaycam" you can see the other picture I posted also! This week has been very very very very very gooooood! More to come! (can't explain here at the moment!). bethany is so cute these days though! That's all for now, we're going to get some dessert somewhere in this gray town.

Posted by Shay Thomason at 8:21 PM


Saturday, January 01, 2005

so this is the new year

the clanking of crystal
explosions off in the distance (in the distance).
so this is the new yearand I have no resolutions
for selfl assigned penancefor problems with easy solutions
so everybody put your best suit or dress on

let's make believe that we are wealthy for just this once
lighting firecrackers off on the front lawn
as thirty dialogues bleed into one
i wish the world was flat like the old days

then i could travel just by folding a map
no more airplanes, or speedtrains, or freeways
there'd be no distance that can hold us back.

Posted by Shay Thomason at 4:08 PM