Monday, March 26, 2007

Update Your Bookmarks

Please update your bookmarks for the new . You should be able to go to and get there no problem.

In fact, if you're reading this... go ahead and click "refresh" on your browser and you'll feel all better :)

Posted by Shay Thomason at 7:52 PM


Friday, March 23, 2007

Testing Area: Be Advised

Shaycam is undergoing some hardcore testing.. sorry for any inconvenience.

Posted by Shay Thomason at 11:40 AM


Monday, March 19, 2007

jump in

we got to get our play on.

Posted by Shay Thomason at 10:19 PM


a response

The Big Boy
Originally uploaded by shaycam.

In the past week and days I have been overwhelmed by friends and family who have responded to my last blog. Whether it be a phone calls, emails, or comments everyone has felt the need to contact my wife because they just wanted to make sure I am doing OK. First, thanks everyone who has talked to me or just encouraged me in the past few weeks, it's a huge blessing. Secondly, I feel the need to be clear with those of you who read my blog and either know me or don't know me.

As a Christian, I am called to trust the Lord in any circumstance. For now, the circumstance that I am needing to trust the Lord in is my job. I have been without full-time work for a few months now and it's starting to wear on me a bit. But please understand that though sometimes I write (blogs) because I feel the need to share what's on my mind, it doesn't mean that I am not trusting my Savior for my strength. I guess you can say that I am a pessimist. I don't always see the the greener grass on the other side of the hill. Thankfully, I married someone who is the biggest optimist I think I've ever met. My wife sees the best in circumstances and people, and I believe that the Lord has designed us with such a balance for a reason. God knew that I would probably be down all the time if I didn't have an encouraging and loving wife. So for that, I am blessed.

At the end of the day, I am still learning. I'm still learning how to trust the Lord for everything in my life, especially my job. My conclusion is that we are always in a state of learning. No graduation from any schooling is the end of learning by any means. As one of my professors said at college ".. I know you are probably going to learn more in those dorms than you will in any of these classrooms for the time you are here at college.." I agree. And now that has translated into my life outside of traditional schooling. I am continuing to learn more about how I am to live this life each and every day.

Thanks again to everyone who has encouraged both Bethany and I. We would encourage you to continue to pray that the Lord will grow us to be more like Himself. That we would trust him in all circumstances. And that, maybe, just maybe... I would be able to find a job soon... in His timing.

Posted by Shay Thomason at 8:49 AM


Monday, March 12, 2007

too much to learn

Today I realized how much of my dad I don't have in me and wish I did. I had an interview for a sales job today in which I had to take an evaluation type test. It's not a real test where there are right and wrong answers, but an evaluation of who I am and what I'm like. Basically it's supposed to allow the employer to know if would be able to do a sales type job or not. The results were interesting. Now back to the point about my dad.

My dad was a hard worker. At one point he was commuting to Los Angeles for over 3 hours round trip to his full time job, and as well, had his own business at home fixing appliances. I don't really remember him complaining much about it, he just worked hard and that was it. My evaluation today told me that I am not like him. It showed that I am not a hard worker. It showed that though I don't like hard work, I am a people person and people like being around me. But unfortunately, that's not going to pay the bills. No amount of my personality will make a paycheck come in every few weeks. During this interview/evaluation the guy working with me was an older gentleman. He asked me about how I did in high school and college and my grades, etc. After responding to his questions he told me it didn't surprise him because it matched up exactly with what the evaluation in his hand was telling him. Soon after we finished talking he showed me around their office and pointed out another guy, who happend to be from Sri Lanka, India. He then proceeded to tell me how that guy was making six figures doing sales and was a hard worker. He added that knowing that would allow me to understand the work ethic in India, to which I agreed.

Apparently I didn't learn much from my dad. Though I went to work with him on occasion and saw how he did things day in and day out, I didn't learn. I wish I would've. I wish I could go back and learn what it means to be a hard worker, because right now it's killing me. Honestly, I'm not sure what to do. I know that the only way to learn how to work hard is to work hard, but I really don't know what that looks like. You could say I'm a little down about this today. Well, it's true; am. I can't believe I missed the boat on this one. I feel stuck, or even wedged. Can't seem to move my arms and my legs to get free of this one. Maybe I'll never learn.

Posted by Shay Thomason at 1:31 PM


Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Where Are My Thoughts

Ready To Eat
Originally uploaded by shaycam.

It's not everyday you get to attend a black tie affair, but fortunately (or unfortunately) for me I did.

This past Friday I assisted a photographer at very expensive event at the Ritz Carlton Pasadena. We were going around snapping candid photos of people and things, but really I was simply taken away by the amount of money that was blown in one night. I have probably told 15 people about this in person because I am still confused about it all. When I actually got to the event in my sweet '98 Jetta, they promptly valet parked that baby in with the Mercedes, BMW's, and even Bentley's. Of course my little Jetta stood out quite nice with her "" sticker on the back. So this event was the 75th anniversary for a very expensive, private high school in Pasadena. During it they held a live auction and I thought I was going to flip. Let me explain. One of the auction items was a parking space for the 07-08 school year for one of the students. So whoever won that item would be able to give that parking space to their child or grandchild for the next school year. You wanna guess how much that went for? $20,000. That's right, that's 3 zero's after the number 20. That's a lot of zero's. In fact, I'd really rather not talk about this right now, I think I'm feeling sick. Seriously though, I saw a puppy go for $9000 and a diamond broach went for like $18,000. Maybe I'm not supposed to be telling anyone about all this, but there was 950 people at this event and every one of them was wearing clothes that were more expensive than my car. The chances of any of them reading are not likely. I have a better chance of the parking attendant reading this (by the way.. I tipped that guy a sweet $3 for taking care of my Jetta).

Nevermind all that. It's one of those things you just have to shake your head at. All in all I think the night was fine... well except the part where old, white people were dancing. I could've really done without that image in my mind the rest of my life.

Posted by Shay Thomason at 9:30 AM


Friday, March 02, 2007

I kind of started a small side business this week. I think it could be neat and helpful for anyone looking for engagement photos or design work.

Come check it out!

I think it's going to be fun. We'll see what happens... now go tell your friends :)

Posted by Shay Thomason at 5:25 PM