Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Thoughts on a Rainy Day
It rained all night. Its true. And it was really windy. I could hear the sound of the rain against my window all night. I had to get up at 4 am to be at work and it was craziness outside. but good. I wish I had a picture for you to see, but I don't. I'm sorry.
I've been sitting here in Starbucks for the past hour or so working on some stuff on my computer for my boss. It's been good. Getting paid to sit in Starbucks on my laptop; good times. I just tried calling my girlfriend, but her house phone is busy; not so good times. It's been kind of a slow day at work. No one wants to get out of their car and buy coffee, they would rather roll down their car window and order that way, getting all of their leather seats soaked and ruining the interior, but oh well, it's not my car. but when it rains in California, you might as well shut the state down. I drove to Burbank last night and coming back was insane. I mean, there was literally puddles on the 5 freeway. talk about awkward. and today, behind my Starbucks, a car was going too fast on the on rump and slid right off the other side! yikes! can you imagine being the car behind that guy?! Ok, it would be kind of funny for like a second, then it wouldn't be funny at all. I don't know, is that mean? maybe I'm a jerk. I don't know.
I guess I'll be signing off then. I'm hopefully having lunch with my parents, so that should be good. but I've been up since 4 so I'm going to try and take a nap right now. that's all for now.
Posted by Shay Thomason at 1:04 PM
Sunday, December 26, 2004
Trying on New Skin
So do you like the new feel? I'm trying to go for something new.. tell me what you kids think?
Posted by Shay Thomason at 8:52 PM
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas everyone!
Leave me a comment and tell me how your Christmas is going (or went!).
This my nephew Dylan! He's pretty darn cute.
Posted by Shay Thomason at 11:59 AM
Friday, December 24, 2004
Maybe this Christmas Eve...
I've been awake for about 19 hours now. My eyes are heavy. I've been playing on my computer and uploading pics and doing whatever. People are messaging me and I'm responding, but I'm not sure what I am saying at this point.
Christmas is in an hour. I mean ,it might as well be Christmas right now. But you know for sure that hundreds of thousands of kids rest gently in their beds waiting for that
moment when their eyes open and the day is anew. They run to their parents to wake them up, or some might just run for the tree to see the new boxes that lay at the bottom. Soon the presents will open and the kids will play all day with their new toys. Some will get presents they don't like, but they'll be the coolest presents for one day.
I remember those days. Everything is so complicated now. Nothing is like it was. I mean, sure I'll get up, whenever my body wakes up. I won't be rushing for the tree though. Actually, I think I have one gift under there and it's unwrapped right now. haha. seriously. No suprises here. I guess I'm rambling. Well, whatever.
I took this picture as the sun was going down. I thought you kids might like it. It's the Christmas Eve sunset in the desert, beautiful. So as my Christmas Eve sunset goes down to rest, so do I. And tomorrow you'll be reading this and thinking.. hhm.. I wonder if Shay's up yet?
Merry Christmas kids.
Posted by Shay Thomason at 10:51 PM
Thursday, December 23, 2004
Main Entry: blog
Function: noun
Definition: an online diary; a personal chronological log of thoughts published on a Web page; also called Weblog, Web log
Example: Typically updated daily, blogs often reflect the personality of the author.
Etymology: shortened form of Weblog
web log - n : a shared on-line journal where people can post diary entries about their personal experiences and hobbies [syn: blog]
Usage: blog, blogged, blogging v, blogger n
I thought it was interesting to look up the word "blog". I was talking with someone at work about the word "blog" and then I was like "well.. I could look it up?.." That's what I found. I think its really a perfect defintion. Interesting.
Anyways.. been a crazy last couple of days. Hung out with some old friends this week and that was a good time. We watched the original batman.
That's a fun movie. Here's a picture that Tim and Brad took with me. It's a fun
one. I guess that's all I know. I have some other pictures, but I really don't have time right now to put them up. I'm sitting in Starbucks right now and using the internet here.
I actually am going to open tomorrow on Christmas Eve. Should be good. I'll make sure to do an update tomorrow with some Christmas stuff or something. I have a couple hour drive. So anyways. I think I am going to go get to bed and get the heck outta here. You kids have a good Christmas weekend. I'll be here.
Posted by Shay Thomason at 7:36 PM
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Apple Store Update
I am in the apple store. hi everyone!
Shay, Zach, Josh, Nick, Kate.. (and everyone in the apple store)
Posted by Shay Thomason at 4:32 PM
Saturday, December 18, 2004
Christmas for Cowboys
If you haven't picked up "Maybe This Christmas Tree" (it's a record), you need to! That CD seriously has the coolest tracks on it. The songs from Death Cab For Cutie, Pedro the Lion, and one of the best tracks ever from Copeland. Go buy it, don't download it, buy it.
On another note, I went to the Ear Nose and Throat specialist yesterday. It was a very interesting time. I mean, this guy had this tube in my nose that was digging around and everything, kind of awkward. But still I felt like he was doing a seriously awesome check on this stuff. If you haven't heard, I was diagnosed with sinusitus. No seriously, that's what it's called. Anyways, he did a bunch of stuff and you know what the best part was, when he said, "What I am about to tell you, nobody knows." And I'm thinking, "ok?.." And he said, "The normal state of the nose is not when both nostrils are open.. everyone thinks that, but your nose is supposed to using one side, and then the other, switching back and forth.." I was like "really?.." and he said "yes." Intersting huh? You never know what you are gonna learn. I mean, I might have graduated from college with a BA and never known that. And I would venture to say my life is better now.
So in the end, I'm on more drugs, sort of. I have a nasal spray now, and I am taking Claritin-D for the next 6 weeks (that stuff is freakin' expensive!). He said those are the best medicines money can buy for what I have. If I'm not better in 6 weeks, it's onward to surgery. You pray that the medicines work! That would make life a bit easier for me! Ok, well I'm actually sitting in a Starbucks in Hollywood right now waiting to get my hair cut. That's just my lifestyle I guess. oh and.. Summer is only 6 months away.. if you're not in California.. if you are in California (like myself), then it's like 2 months away.. so smile.
Posted by Shay Thomason at 2:40 PM
Monday, December 13, 2004
Rockets for RockStars
this saturday night I spent some more time at the studio with Zach (www.dizmas.com). It was seriously a sweet time just hanging out and listening to the new tracks. the new album is seriously going to be unreal. the kids are going to love it. and by kids i mean you. yes, you and you're family. really.. it'll be out in April, buy it, love it, live it.
these pictures are a series of pics that I took while I was there. my mind is interesting. I mean, I guess I can say that. It's my mind. It's my website. it's my mind on a website. shaycam.com is comitted to providing you with the best thoughts that come from my mind. and some of those thoughts come from me being a visual learner. so therefore.. my pictures are my mind in a picture. it makes sense to me and if you are still confused then you should really take some time to figure out what kind of learner you are. because maybe you shouldn't be reading my journals. you should probably figure out how you could be served by listening to my journals instead of reading them. ok that was just a joke, but I am in kind of a weird mood right now.
finals are tomorrow, the next day, and the next day. it's going to be kind of sucky and kind of not sucky. mainly sucky though. but that's ok. summers almost here.
Posted by Shay Thomason at 1:49 AM
Saturday, December 11, 2004
just balanced my checkbook. I sometimes get scared to do it. Because I know I've saved all my receipts in my wallet, but I don't want to be reminded of all the impulse buying I did since I got my paycheck. Starbucks gave us $250 bonuses though. that was nice of them.
anyways this picture is of them filming across from my apartment. I took the pic from my balcony. they were filming "Six Feet Under" and they had this huge light and it made it look like day at night, really crazy. I just figured you kids would enjoy it. You see, I have this friend Tristan who is from Washington. And he always thought Californians met movie stars and surfed everyday. I guess it's sort of true. well, not really. I just think it's really funny that he thought that.
did you read my last post. if not, read it. there will be more thoughts later, you'll see.
Posted by Shay Thomason at 1:13 AM
Thursday, December 09, 2004
i repent - words by Derek Webb
i repent of my pursuit of America's dream
i repent of living like i deserve anything
my house, my fence, my kids, and my wife in our suburb where we're safe and white
i am wrong and of these things i repent
i repent of parading my liberty
i repent of paying forvwhat i get for free
the way i believe that i am living right
by trading sins for others that are easier to hide
i am wrong and of these things i repent
i repent judging by a law that even i can't keep
wearin righteousness like a disguise to see through
the planks in my own eyes
i repent of trading truth for false unity
i repent of confusing peace and idolatry
of caring more of what they think than what i know of what they need
and domesticating You until You look just like me
i am wrong and of these things i repent
Posted by Shay Thomason at 3:09 PM
Thursday, December 02, 2004
Close to the end..
I'm almost done with this semester. It's been a bit tough since I have been so sick. But I am trying to finish as well as I can. My finals aren't going to be too bad, so I'm pretty stoked about that. My only real final assignment left is my sermon on Titus 3 which I'll be giving on tuesday (the 7th). You can pray for me if you think about that!
Otherwise things are going well. I'm in my World Lit. class right now and we're talking about Asian worldview. It's been fun. Anyways.. small post today, but it needed to be done. peace.
Posted by Shay Thomason at 12:06 PM