Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Sorry.. I Had a Prior Engagement

This past weekend was on the best weekends of my life. And you'll know why as you read..
I went to Washington state this weekend to be with Bethany and her family because her grandfather passed away. It sounds bad, but it was really good to be with and the family and just support Bethany during this time.
But we had some extra time after all the services and the weekend so I set up a date with her in Seattle on Monday night. But what you don't know is that I have had the ring for about a week and a half, and I have had the money for about a month and a half. (How did I get the money you ask? --> Long story short, I basically got a check in the mail from a previous job that I had. It was serious God's provision). Anyways, Bethany's parents dropped us off at the waterfront in Seattle and we said our goodbyes to them and they we were off to Starbucks on the pier to have coffee. (what Bethany didn't know was that I had already talked to her parents and they were actually going to hang around Seattle until I call them). So after we got a our coffee we started walking down the waterfront I told Bethany that we should go sit on the dock by the Seattle Aquarium. Then we sat down on a table, and we were all alone because it was around 9:00pm and no one was on the streets on a Monday night. Then I asked her what she wanted to talk about, and she kindly replied "You..." So I said, "What if I told you I loved you?" (which was the first time I have told her that) and she just kind of gasped and looked at me.. and then I said, "And what if I did this?..." and I knelt down on one knee and said, "Will you marry me?"
Basically, it was like the shock factor for Bethany. I have basically been making her think that engagement was a long ways off, but I pulled out a sneaky trick. :). Then she told me to stand up and said "YES!"

It was so much fun. And after I hugged her and kissed her, we called her parents and they came over to us and they took the picture you see of us here.
After everyone left we went over to the "Old Spaghetti Factory" and had a nice dinner by ourselves. Then we walked over to the Space Needle and hung out around there.
It was so much fun. And now we're looking forward to getting married some time in August. We're not exactly sure of the date right now, but we're talking through it.
You can continue to pray for us as God grows us in our relationship and that we would continue to pursue Christ as we pursue each other.

look at that rock!!

She's the best. I love her.
Posted by Shay Thomason at 2:30 PM
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Corporate vs. Private Ownership
These people were just painting on the side of the road today, it was kind of interesting. It probably has something to do with the upcoming cowboy poetry festival. They hold it annually and it's kind of crazy. Tons of people come to this thing, but then again.. maybe I'm wrong.
At any rate, I'm about to head to work so I'd figure I'd just write something about a conversation I just had with my roommate. You see, I work for Starbucks Coffee (corporate) and he works for Coffee Kiosk (privately owned). He tried to tell me today that so many people come in and say how much better their coffee is. I take offense to that. I mean, who wouldn't. There once was a day when Starbucks only had one store. And I asked him if his company went corporate what he would do and he said that he would still put his money into private ownership because he has control over his money. Well, I think that's lame. He also says that he has more security. Well, I think he's a little off his rocker. (don't worry kids, my roommate is a good guy and I'm not coming down on him). This is just a debate we have all the time. It's kind of fun. He tries these kinds of tricks all the time to make me angry, but he'll never get the best of me.
But I think that we all know what it really comes down to. He's just upset that I get full benefits, free coffee, a 401K savings plan, stock options, free drinks, and 30% off any store in the nation. It's not my fault! I just work for a great company. So at the end of the day, I'll be at Starbucks.
Posted by Shay Thomason at 12:32 PM
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
In My Weakness, He Is Strong
A "bed of roses" I saw today..

Here is a verse that might encourage you, it has encouraged me today.
2 Corinthians 9:12
And He has said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness " Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.
Posted by Shay Thomason at 12:06 AM
Sunday, April 17, 2005
Sunday With Shay
"Controlling the Tongue" - James 3
We started a new section of our study through James in church this morning. We actually started chapter 3 which begins with a discussion on the tongue. Pastor Scott showed us the power of the tongue by showing us the illustrations that James uses which are right in the text. They start in verse 3 and move forward. The Bible compares our own tongues to a bit that would go in to a horses mouth. It also compares it to the rudder of a ship. These are great pictures on the power of that "little red devil" in our mouths. The things we say are really just what is coming out of our hearts. How are you doing with your words today? Are you using them to build people up or tear people down. Because it really is not true that "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." That is a lie. Words do hurt. They hurt when people say wrong things about you, and gossip about you. They hurt when they have a harmful intent toward you. Control your tongue today and God will be greatly glorified.
For further study please go read and study the third chapter of James, I trust you will be convicted and encouraged.
Posted by Shay Thomason at 1:48 PM
Saturday, April 16, 2005
Boggle. Not Blogger.
I played some Boggle tonight. Have you played?

if not, just try and find as many words in this pile here in 3 minutes. They can be long or short, but obviously the longer they are the more points. And finally, the words must touch IN ORDER. It's kind of hard to explain and I'm not going to bother.
ok.. I guess that's all for tonight. I must work tomorrow, so I need to make sure that happens. Well, I need to make sure that I get a good nights sleep. My girlfriend is going away for the weekend, so that's kind of sad. But she is going to women's retreat with our church which should be a good time. The beauty of living in southern Cali is that you can retreat to the warm beaches, which is where they are going. ok.. enough about that. I'm gone.
Posted by Shay Thomason at 12:08 AM
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
$20 Just Insn't $20 Anymore

I "filled up" today. Yeah right! Filled up!!!??! I don't think so. Look at those prices. And I wasn't buying the super gas either, just the normal unleaded! Geeze! Can you believe it? I should've taken a picture of my gas gauge while I was at it. I seriously only got 3/4 of a tank. What a bummer.
Enough about that.. but I just got out of my Philosophy class about an hour ago and we watched a little of Micheal Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11." That's an interesting piece of work. I really don't want to make too many comments about it at this time, but I will say that the rumors are truly. It is a highly deceptive film. It'll be interesting when we watch the rebuttle on Monday "FahrenHYPE 9/11." I know that I'm about a year behind everyone on this stuff, but that's ok.. I'm not on the up and up I guess.
Tonight I have lot going on. Studying for my Human Anatomy Exam, Youth Group, meeting with one my classes, and more studying. So I guess that's all in a nutshell. See yah.
Posted by Shay Thomason at 4:08 PM
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Sunday with Shay
I was thinking maybe I could do a Sunday devotional since today is the Lord's day. Maybe just recap what I learned in church this morning.
We have been studying the book of James in our Sunday morning services and it has been a great study thus far. Today we were hitting on Chapter 2:25-26. My pastor did a great job of finishing the topic of faith and works which is what the second part of chapter 2 is talking about. Really, if you look at the book it lays out four examples of people of the faith in times past that have had a balance of their faith and works. Specifically we talked about the fourth example this morning of Rahab and how she hid the spies in faith that she would be protected (see Joshua 2 for the whole story of "Rahab's Courageous Act"). But it was her faith that was put in to action with the work that she did in hiding the spies that Joshua had sent out. Scott, my pastor said this, "Faith comes first, then works."
The basic point this morning had two parts, and it really sums up the entire subject of faith and works.
1. That it is by grace we have been saved, through faith, in Christ. (Eph. 2:8-9, Acts 16:31)
2. Salvation by faith alone, is never alone! We can profess to know the Savior, but with no works, it is dead! (James 2:14,18,20, and 26)
If we are professing believers our lives should look like it. We can not profess to know Jesus Christ, and not do what he says in the Word of God.
These are great truths for the church to be reminded of.
Posted by Shay Thomason at 1:47 PM
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
I saw this on the road the other day.
It's not everyday you are driving down the street and all of a sudden a huge train comes rolling by. It was seriously a weird thing. I was flippin' out about it, and my roommate was in the car with me. It's a good thing I had my camera handy so I could snap a quick pic for all you kids.. anyways.. I hope that is amusing to you..
Secondly (because I like to list things by numbers), I preached today at school. It was pretty crazy. It actually has kind of taken up my life for the past couple of weeks. But I thought it went pretty well considering everything. Now my only job is to get caught back up in school. I know that sounds bad, but it seriously has been out of control. I am glad that I was able to be used that way though. It was so cool having so many people praying for me and encouraging me, seriously rad.
But I've gotta get going to youth group tonight, but I hope your days are going well, talk to you soon!
Posted by Shay Thomason at 5:53 PM