Tuesday, May 31, 2005
The Emerging Church
Just a little side project you might find intersting.
Posted by Shay Thomason at 9:23 AM
Monday, May 23, 2005
Summer, Walking, Music (IPod)
Finally, a chance to update.It's been a few long couple of weeks as I have transitioned from school to basically full-time work. My third year of college is offically over. Doesn't seem that I started that long ago, but it's true. Summer is in full swing. I'm taking a post-session class so I can graduate early. It's a pretty sweet class. It's Christian Theology II. You'll see some more about that class in the next day or two. I am actually in the process of creating another blog for that class (more to come).I'm living with some friends right now and it's been fun. They live within walking distance from my job so I have been just walking to work. It's seriously the chill lifestyle. I get up at like 3:30am to open sometimes and just pop in my Ipod and walk. I can usually get through 1 1/2 - 2 songs before I get there, so I have to choose wisely. Ok, let me just make my statement concerning my Ipod. It's seriously one of the coolest things I own right now. I know that I'm probably lame or something because I just got one and I'm behind the times. But I can thank the federal government for buying it for me (tax return :)) Anyways, it's a 30G IPod Photo. It's so sweet. I bought the camera attachmetn and now I can take my digital anywhere and never have to worry about running out of space for pictures. All that to say, I'm stoked about it.My birthday is in less than a month. I'm still young, 20 years old. I'll be 21 on the 15th of June. So leave me a message, tell me what you kids are up to. peace.
Posted by Shay Thomason at 2:18 PM
Sunday, May 15, 2005
Wisdom and Weddings
Wisdom: Applying Biblical Knowledge to Daily Life
Wedding: 1) To take as a spouse; marry. 2)To perform the marriage ceremony for; join in matrimony.
These two things actually go together! It's amazing. I know that sounds sort of elementary, but it's a real thing. Bethany and I have had a BIG weekend, actually a big week in general. Finals have come and gone and that's a whole other blog in itself. Let's just summarize by saying we finished as well as we possibly could. But more importantly, Bethany graduated this weekend! It was an exciting and fun time. Bethany's parents, sister, and grandmother flew down from Washington and we have spent the weekend with them. It's always nice to have family come around from out of town because you get to eat a lot of really amazing food. (hehe) For instance, my parents also came to the graduation ceremony and we went out to Claim Jumper afterwards. It was awesome! I just love good food. mmmmm.. woah.. where was I? Anyways, we've had some, let's say, i n t e r e s t i n g conversions this weekend. One of those being the upcoming wedding where Bethany and I will be joined in holy matrimony. I think that sometimes we should do what the Jewish people do when a boy becomes a man at 13. Cause I think I've had a similar weekend. All of sudden I am sitting with my parents and Bethany's parents and we're talking about the details of our financial situation, the survival factors, and the details of the wedding. I guess I found myself becoming a man really quickly as the reality of providing for another person comes in to view. But I must say before I scare you away from this blog, that everything has turned out just great. A major topic of discussion with the wedding was the location of such and occasion. Is it Washington? Is it California? These questions can take up a good amount of conversation, let me tell ya!But in the end, what it really comes down to is using Biblical wisdom in all of your decisions. We sat in church this morning and heard a great sermon on wisdom. Our pastor explained the Biblical teaching of wisdom and how it needs to run our lives (James 3:13ff). This couldn't have come at a better time for Bethany and I. We were in the middle of making a major decision on our wedding and we believe that we want to use Godly wisdom in the planning of our own wedding. It's hard at times to make major decisions such as a location of a wedding. Who will be there? Who won't be there? Who will we disappoint? Who won't care? Who will care? These are things that can be very important to people. And Bethany and I want to do the best we can to accommodate everyone without leaving people out of our union. So you might be asking, so what did you decide? Is it California or Washington? Most likely you Bethany or me and you're reading this wondering where this joyous occasion will take place because it is going to change your own plans. Well.. I'll tell ya. We've actually decided to go the more traditional route for our wedding, the bride in her hometown. In the end, it just seems like the wise thing to do. It's going to be fun, I can guarantee that. But we know that God has a plan for our lives and the location of our wedding is in his plan too. God knows where we'll get married, he's known that forever. God knows what it's going to be like, he's known that forever too. So, know this, God knows the same details about my life as well as yours. If you are making a major decision anytime soon, seek the Scripture for your wisdom; pray, ask the Lord for guidance. Some of your decisions may seem trivial, but they are never too trivial for our Savior.
Now go, may the Lord bless you and keep you.
Posted by Shay Thomason at 11:08 AM
Thursday, May 12, 2005
I'm disgruntled
You ask why? Well, I'll tell you why.. look at those things!!

How would you feel if you had two huge alien spaceships outside your window all night! Especially since I have to be awake in a few hours!! It's unbelievable!! Ok, I'm really not that upset, but they are filming "Big Love" in the apartments across the street. It's a HBO TV series about a polygamous (Bill Paxton) who owns some company in Salt Lake City. You can probably do a google search and find out all about it. Anyways, it's being produced by Tom Hanks and his production company Playtone. It's kind of fun, but at the same time, those things are bright! But it's all good. Everyone is moving out of the dorms tonight and tomorrow. I have to be out to. I am moving in with some friends for the summer, hopefully I'll still be able to update shaycam regularly. I'll do my best. You kids are great, and summer is finally here!
Posted by Shay Thomason at 10:16 PM
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
word up. last night the boys and I went for a night on the tizzown. we were g'd up dog. it was like crazy.
no, but seriously, last night we went out to Claim Jumper looking like this. It was great. From left to right its Lavar, Ryan, Justin, and me. It was hilarious. When you walk in to a restaurant looking like that, people are bound to stare at you. oh man, I loved it. Our server was kind of an interesting guy. I think he was from Colorado and his name was like Zeek. He would say things and walk away still saying something. Kind of confusing, but he liked us and served us well. I must say that we tipped him well also. Justin had the funniest thing happen to him. He ordered this $4 soup, to find out it comes in like a tea cup. It was sooo funny. So he asked the waiter, "Hey does this thing have refills?" and everyone just laughed. But the server was chill and brought Justin another bowl on the house. I ate the Widow Maker Burger. It was so intense; I couldn't fit my mouth around it to take a bite. Well, I guess that's about it for now. School ended for me today. Took my last final. Looking forward to summer and all that is in store for me. I'll let you kids know how it goes. Peace out.

Ryan and Me.. Gangsta!

Backseat brothas!

man's gotta eat..
Posted by Shay Thomason at 4:09 PM
Monday, May 09, 2005
I Just Love Rainy Days
I can't help it, I love rainy days. They are the best. Maybe it's because I grew up in the desert and we didn't see much rain, and this year we're experiencing so much rain it's amazing. I woke up this morning to a drizzle, and it's still drizzling as we speak. It's so nice. Reminds me of our great God and Savior. He created every little rain drop, and he knew where each one would drop. He knew that I would think about Him when I saw His creation. I just love rainy days.
It's been a great last couple of weeks, but I am been very busy with school ending. This week is finals week and then I have to move out of my apartment (dorm). Bethany graduates on Saturday, that's kind of crazy, but it should be fun. We're doing well. It's great to be engaged! We are really enjoying it and can't wait to be married.
Yesterday I slept a lot. It was actually kind of weird. I slept like 9 hours on Saturday night and on Sunday afternoon I took a nap on a friends couch for a few hours I guess it was. I'm not sure if I am sick or something and so I am pretty tired. I think I am eternally sick though. Seriously, ever since high school I have been the most sick person alive. Ok, that's probably an exaggeration, but if some kind of new sickness comes you can guarantee that I will have it. It can get pretty annoying. Actually, I'm tired right now, I think I'm going to go take a nap.
Posted by Shay Thomason at 9:19 AM