Thursday, June 30, 2005
The 4th is For Advertising?
C'mon, I know you've noticed it.
Everywhere you look, all you see is, "MAKE IT A MEMORABLE 4th OF JULY, BUY A NEW CAR FROM US". It made me laugh when I saw the LA Times with a one day ad that said, "ONE DAY ONLY! MAKE IT A NEWSWORTHY 4th, ONLY $39 for the FRIDAY, SATURDAY, and SUNDAY TIMES." What the heck is that all about. The fourth of July isn't about subscribing to the Los Angeles Times or making sure I get the GM Employee Discount on my new car, which so conveniently ends on July 4th. I don't know, maybe you haven't noticed it.
Worked all day today at the bux. Normal day, nothing really crazy about it. It's kind of weird that I spend almost 40 hours a week at this place (which I am currently sitting at). And apparently I can't get through a post without making mention of it. Sometimes I'll be making drinks or whatever and I am kind of thinking, "..some Joe Shmoe investor is sitting in his office somewhere relying on me making money for this company so that his stock goes up.." I don't know, it's just a thought.
I'm tired and I need to go to the bank, so I'm out. Hope you have a great weekend. Maybe you should do the right thing and google the "4th of July" and read about the history of our nation, haha. That makes me laugh. peace.
Posted by Shay Thomason at 3:44 PM
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Birthdays and Beyond!
Woah! So.. I'm still here.
I had my 21st birthday the other day (June 15th). It was fun. I went to Disneyland!! OH MAN IT WAS SWEEEET! 50th anniversary!! But don't worry, I didn't do any drinking. Maybe you are thinking I should've been drinking, but I wasn't, I was enjoying friends and Disneyland instead of the stereotypical 21st birthday where you head to vegas and party until you die. (no seriously, I just read about a kid who got alchohol poisoning on his 21st b-day, so sad).
Things are going well though. Did I tell you I am in a partnership with 2 other guys and we started a company. This is more serious than you think. It's called Emblem Graphics and we're legit. We do screen printing, stickers, 1 inch buttons, etc. let me know if you want me to make some shirts or something for whatever you're doing. We're no joke. Anyways here's some pics from disney land I thought you'd like.

Posted by Shay Thomason at 5:53 PM
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Music For The Summer
I've been buying music lately. This is a pretty good month for music. Coldplay, Foo Fighters, Dizmas. Not bad. I can buy one album a week. I'm stoked about it.
oh man!! bummer.. this lady just sat down near me and she is smoking. The wind is blowing and it's going in my face right now, bummer. I need a protective bubble so that nothing can get in. Maybe my bubble will have like holes so I can breathe, but like they would only breathe out and nothing would get inside of it. I think it would probably be a lime green bubble. Just sounds like fun. ok.. enough about bubbles.
But getting back. The new Foo Fighters comes out on Tuesday. I'm seriously excited about it. 2 disc set, one rockin' set, one acoustic-rockin' set. Does it get any better than that. I had a funny thought yesterday about Dave Grohl (the lead singer of Foo). He's never going to get married? haha.. I just thought it was funny. He's almost too rockstar to get married, at least right now. I think maybe he got a bad view of marriage because of Courtney Love's relationship with Kurt Cobain (of Nirvana). I don't know? What do you kids think?
Posted by Shay Thomason at 1:26 PM
Monday, June 06, 2005
Action & Action
I'm sitting outside of Starbucks right now. There are a few clouds outside. Winds from the NorthEast at about 5mph. It's a pretty nice day here in California. What a name for a state, California. I like it.
Bethany, some friends from church, and I went to see Madagascar yesterday, but it was sold out. That was kind of a bummer. It's kind of chilly outside right now. My mind is kind of lost. I wish I could explain here the amount of time that is existing in between each sentence I am writing. I think I'm kind of distracted at the moment.
I just noticed this guy inside Starbucks who is also on a laptop. I wonder if his experience is so much different than mine at the moment. I mean, I have my Ipod in my head. He's inside probably just listening to the house music that is playing. He even has a real handkerchief. Like the kind you would wear on your head. It's purple in color, really doesn't fit his style. He's more of a business man. You know what else I was just thinking; he has no clue what I am writing right now. It makes me laugh. I just love my freedom of speech.
Ok, I'm out.
Posted by Shay Thomason at 11:18 AM
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
We Took The 405
I walked barefoot to my car today. It was probably somewhere around 100 steps to get there from wher I am living. It was kind of fun. You see, I left my sandals in my car, so I just figured instead of taking the time to put shoes on, I would just walk barefoot until I got my sandals. It makes sense.
Secondly, I bit my lip twice yesterday. Yeah, and they were both within a minute of each other. I have a theory. When you bite your lip the first time it swells a little bit, then you end up biting it again shortly thereafter because it's bigger than normal. grr.. it hurt. And then worse yet.. I bit through my tongue today. It was bleeding for about 6 minutes and I finally got it to stop. It still hurts.
Anyways, welcome to June. It's a good month. I was born in June. Do you know the day?
Tonight I had a rockin' time with Bethany. It was seriously great. Our pastor gave us the night off from youth ministry so we could go on a date. Oh man. We went down to The Cheesecake Factory had great food! We had these Buffalo Blasts that were amazing! Then we drove down to the 3rd street Promenade in Santa Moncia. Oh snap, it was freakin' tight. We went to the Hear Music Starbucks that is down there. If you haven't heard of that its basically a music store inside of Starbucks. But you can create your own CD's in the store, which is what we did. But what we didn't know is when you create your own CD and have it burned, they print you your own cover and everything. Oh it was rockin'.. We chose 6 songs for ours and entitled it "We Took The 405". It was rad, they even printed the title on the CD and the cover that comes with it; totally professional. I loved it. We had some Pedro the Lion, Ben Folds, Death Cab For Cutie, etc. Loved every second of it.
I guess that's all for now. Make sure you check out, you never know, you might like it. :)
Posted by Shay Thomason at 11:17 PM