Monday, October 31, 2005
My Life is LCD
A liquid crystal display (LCD) is a thin, flat display device made up of any number of color or monochrome pixels arrayed in front of a light source or reflector. It is prized by engineers because it uses very small amounts of electric power, and is therefore suitable for use in battery-powered electronic devices.
That's seriously how I feel sometimes. Everything is become digital these days. That was especially true last night at the concert I went to. I went and saw Mae and MuteMath at the Glasshouse last night and it was incredible. If you haven't listened to either of these bands I would argue you are not cultured enough in the ways of music. MuteMath especially is probably one of the best lives shows I have ever seen, incredible. But getting back to the LCD thing, I was amazed last night at the kids with their cell-phones and digital cameras just taking pics all night long. Everytime a member of a band would be in a rock-star stance or something looked sweet on stage, BAM!, all the cell phones were in the air and I was watching the show through the kids LCD screens. I guess it's good for the digital market these days, its just what the kids are in to. Not to mention the fact that I saw this kid type a paragraph in his phone keypad in like 4 seconds. It was amazing. I guess I just don't have the 411 on how the kids are communicating these days. Kind of makes me feel old, or out of the loop.
But as far as the show was concerned, I thought MuteMath stole the show, hands down. They are so talented I can't believe it. Yet I must warn you against a band that I really really really really really couldn't stand. The band is called Circa Survive. They are horrible. Everything about them made me want to leave the show right then and there. First, they came out in womens clothing, then their lead singer made some comments I can't repeat in a PG rated blog. And I'm pretty sure the lead singer was inebriated because he threw up the stage. It was seriously the worst experience. Just steer clear of Circa Survive. They didn't even deserve to share the stage with those other great bands.
I can't really hear out of my left ear now. I think my head was only like 15 feet from a humungous speaker and now all I hear is a muffled ringing. I'm sad about it. But hopefully it will go away. Alright, I'm off to study. You kids have a great day, and remember, you're never too cool to wear ear plugs.
Posted by Shay Thomason at 1:00 PM
Friday, October 28, 2005
Leaves are Falling
I finally saw the falling leaves in Calfornia this morning. I think I am a bit more apt to notice those kinds of things after visiting Washington over the weekend. Up there the colors are just wonderful and down here we're still in Summer time.
I got my suit for my wedding today. We're not doing the traditional tuxes, so that's kinda cool. Anyways.. Just figured I would drop a short note, maybe I'll write some more if I have time today, but I'm not sure about that since work is kind of piling up right now. If you get some time today, be sure to go find some falling leaves in your neighborhood; I'm sure you'll enjoy it. See yah.
Posted by Shay Thomason at 10:49 AM
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Blog Titles are Like Album Titles
Oh man. I'm sitting here in Starbucks about to start my blog and this lady at the condiment bar was taking her lid off and it flew right into the trash can. I am laughing because of the look on her face. It was like she didn't want anyone to know about it, but little did she know that the whole world would have access to her little flubber. ok.. back to the title. I think most days I spend about 4-5 minutes thinking of a blog title. Sometimes I think of them the day before and then I remember to write them when I sit down to type. But other days I am clueless. I want something eye-catching, or random. Like the way people title their albums. There is usually some kind of meaning. Even if the title itself is meaningless, there was definitely a reason the artist named it that. On the other hand, I was flipping through BW Magazine just the other day, and all of the pictures in there were simply titled what you could see in the pic. Interesting... let me try.
Tree In Fog
Cars In Fog
You see, I can do it too. It's not hard. But that really has nothing to do with a blog title. Nevermind. New thought. I was kindly reminded last night that I haven't mentioned my current living conditions. I actually live with a family from church. They are coolest. The husband is a stock-broker with Morgan Stanley, an established reader, and a avid surfer. When he gets home he simply takes off his shirt and tie and slips into his favorite RipCurl shirt and relaxes around the house. The wife on the other hand is a elementary school teacher. She also enjoys reading (like her husband), and petting her cat (even though her husband likes throwing her cat). She even cleaned my bathroom for me the other day, that was great! But they are great. Thanks for letting me stay at your place kids! I enjoyed the fog this morning. I get up early on Wednesday's to be at a class at church. The fog must have rolled in pretty early, but I liked it. Class doesn't start for about 3 hours, so I am going to get some studying done. And in the words of Kronk "... have you seen that sky today, talk about blue!"
Posted by Shay Thomason at 8:04 AM
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
IPod's and Scarves For Everyone

I pointed my blog to
Dashboard Confessional Summer's Kiss EP this morning. I'm currently listening to the song "Turpentine Chaser." This is a good track especially like this track because of the addition of the drums on this in particular recording. Ok.. back to the blog.

I'm back in California today. Flew in late last night. I took this picture of the space needle yesterday before Bethany and I left Seattle. It's funny how it was nice and sunny in Seattle and overcast and rainy in California.
I probably should be working on some sort of homework right, but class was basically cancelled this morning because our professor wasn't feeling well. So he gave us the quiz and we left the building. But you don't want to talk about that... I feel kind of tired this morning. Probably just all the traveling. I love traveling. I don't know why, it's just kind of fun. It feels really modern to me. And by traveling, I mean flying. There's something about being 33,000 feet above everything I see day to day. I don't get to be above the clouds very often, but when I am, I like it. It's like today. If I didn't want it to be cloudy, I could just get in a plane and I would be soaring high above them. I could enjoy the sun from my airplane window, maybe even wear sunglasses, who knows?
Oh yeah, I almost forgot: the title of my blog. I was walking around the campus of Seattle Pacific University before we left yesterday. When I was standing outside I must have seen 5 or 6 IPod's go by, and either complimented by or just by themselves, I saw multiple scarves being worn by certain individuals. Even when the sun is shining in Seattle, you can wear your scarf. You can listen to the music you want to. And I wouldn't dare bother those kids, they are probably deep in thought concerning art, theatre and the like. Kind of makes me think of
Conan O'Brien's recent "New U.S. Quarter's" bit. Go there and find the one for Washington (hint: it has two sides, haha).
Alright, I'm off to the real world I tried to fly so high above. Nothing would make me happier than if you would drop me a note. I realized you kids may not understand the new posting system. If you see the number next to my blog title (ie. "IPod's and Scarves For Everyone 0"). If you click on the number "0" or whatever number is there you will be prompted to leave me a comment. Excellent. Now.. try it for yourself.
Posted by Shay Thomason at 10:28 AM
Thursday, October 20, 2005
A Guy Named John
Bethany and I came to Washington today. We had to get some stinkin' early, but that wouldn't have been so bad had I not only received 1 hour of sleep. I made a dumb decision to try and work late the night before a trip. Stupid Shay..

Anyways.. I loaded some pics up for everyone that Bethany and I took around Seattle today. I basically spent a majority of my time with Bethany's dad because her and her mom were shopping for wedding dresses. If you're a girl you're probably wondering if she actually got one. Well.... she did. I didn't see it because I'd rather see her the day of. I'm stoked.

But while Bethany's dad and I were walking around Everett, Washington, we met a sort of homeless guy on the street that just wanted to talk to us. His name was John. He basically told us his life story and explained everything that had happened in the past couple of weeks. He told us that he was in the military for 26 years and he was living off a $2000/month pension. Then he proceeded to tell us that there are 52 books in the Bible (which there is actually 66). He was a funny guy. I don't know why I met him. But I know that it was a sad time. Bethany's dad gave him $5 to help him out, but he was really turned off to talking about anything real, like Jesus Christ. So pray for John..

Alright, I need to get some sleep. It's been a long day and we have a big day tomorrow. We're actually up here doing wedding planning for our Dec. 17th wedding. We're getting excited about it, but there's so much to do. I'm off to bed. Enjoy the pics.
Posted by Shay Thomason at 10:45 PM
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Music For the Soul
Shaycam from the beaches of Monterery, CA. I took this pic a few months back when I went to Spirit West Coast to see my friends in Dizmas.

Bethany told me she wouldn't mind moving to Monterey some day. I laugh at those kind of comments because I really don't know a person today that wouldn't mind moving there either. It's nothing against Bethany; I'm sure it's a great place to live, yet a bit expensive. Anyways..
I realized today that I don't comment a ton of the amount of music I listen to. I seriously listen to music like a crazy person. My friend Zach supplies me with bands by the dozens and I spend a good 3 months listening to those before talking to him about more that I can take on. But today I am thinking about something I am actually listening to as I type. Whether or not you've seen, like, or don't want to see the movie Elizabethtown, you need to buy the soundtrack. I'm serious. I'm really enjoying it. A little Tom Petty, a little Eastmountainsouth, and a little bit of Elton John. It doesn't matter whether you like the artists, you can just like the songs. Quite honestly you might need to go out on a limb right now in your music listening lifestyle. So many times I talk to kids and they have no understanding of the music in the world. I feel sad for them. There is so much out there. There's something for everyone. The internet provides numerous outlets for such endeavors. Allow me to help you.
If you enjoy some serious 80's music. Goto ACCURadio and click on "Flock of Eighties" towards the bottom left. In a matter of seconds you will be listening to favorite tunes which should last all day because there are no commercials and its free (no stupid sign up!). (ok seriously, this site is incredible. You have to check it out)
If you want the more band and independent feel go to PureVolume and find the style you want and start searching for the bands that fit your mold. I've discovered some great bands a this site and it's fun for the whole family!
And if you are looking to do a checking accoun clean out, then dowload Itunes and start buying music and suppor those artists that you listen to everyday. Even the ones you don't tell anyone about. (for its its Hanson with their ssong "A Song To Sing"... what can I say? It's a good it a guilty pleasure)
So... that should get you started. Listen to more music. I mean.. its just good. Music makes me happy, and maybe you'll find something that makes you happy too.
Posted by Shay Thomason at 9:40 AM
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
The Ground is Wet
It's been raining the past 2 days. I love it. California doesn't always get a lot of rain, but when it does it comes in waves. Yesterday there was flash flooding and even power outages in certain areas because of the thunder storm that has come in this week. But, I was able to capture this picture before I entered the roadway.
I'm actually in class right now. We're getting prepared for our senior test which is a competency exam of our Bible knowledge. It's intense. 3 hours long on a Saturday and is only 3 weeks away. I'm scared..
You know what I don't like... I bite my nails. When I write it out it doesn't sound very good, but for whatever reason I just do. I probably learned it from my dad. He bit his nails too. We tried to stop when I was growing up, but we never really did. Even when I see him on occasion he asks me about how I am doing with my nail-biting.
I made some of my own shirts last night. It was one of the first times I have actually made my own design on my own shirt. I think it looks sweet and I'm stoked about it. Anyways, I gotta go, we're getting serious in our class. Go get some coffee before you come back and read my next blog.
Posted by Shay Thomason at 2:41 PM
Monday, October 17, 2005
Shaycam... it wasn't really gone.
ok.. so maybe is back. And there's nothing I can do about it. I love writing on I can't help it. Blame my mind. Ok.. that was stupid.
It rained a lot today. Pretty much flashing flooding. I loved every second of it. There was a time in between 3:30 and 4:00pm where I want to a small locally owned coffee shop and sat down in a nice leather chair and had a latte from a porcelain mug. I just watched the clouds and rain and it was amazing. There was no wireless internet, no cell-phone calls, just relaxing. I wouldn't have had it any other way. Maybe you should get and try it sometime. Don't go to Starbucks, try the little guy. You never know, you might be impressed by the pace.
What's funny is that I am sitting in Starbucks right now, but I am in another world. My Ipod is in my head and Incubus is explaining some weird scientific philosophy to me. I didn't buy a drink, I just came to "work" on my laptop. The ground is still wet outside and the lights from the cars are reflecting off the pavement. It makes for a difficult driving situation, but it also makes for a Seattle like evening.. which I love. There's a few college students here. They're all doing what I should be doing... studying (except maybe one guy.. he's using his laptop in a big fluffy chair).
Life was slower today. It was 6pm at 2pm. That is to say the clouds were so dark it always seemed later than it actually was. Yet, business still went on as usual. But I think I've had my fill for one blogging evening. I'll be in Seattle in a few days for some wedding planning. When I get back I'll load a few pics up for you kids. Hope all is well...
Posted by Shay Thomason at 7:36 PM