Friday, March 31, 2006
It Feels Like Seattle And I Feel Fine
California, where is the sun? Don't answer that.I love the weather we've been having lately down here in southern California. Instead of the sunny goodness we're used to, we've been having some gloomy storms that have been sticking around. Makes me feel like I'm in Seattle all day long. That's great. If there was one other place that I'd rather be, it would probably be in Seattle, eating dinner at Ivar's and enjoying the rain beating down. If I talk about the weather, does that make me old?You know something I am kind of sick of, phone marketing. We probably get 4 or 5 phone calls to our apartment every day asking us to sign up for something, telling us why we should buy a home right now, describing the reasons we should switch to the "dish" as opposed to cable, and etc. It's annoying. I'm sick of it. If I am napping, we get a phone call. If we're having a conversation, we get a phone. If we are watching TV, we get a phone call. It's dumb. I wish there was some way around it. Ok, I'm done.
Posted by Shay Thomason at 4:17 PM
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Broken Umbrellas and Coffee Cups
Spent the last five minutes trying to find some interesting quote that could begin my blog today. It didn't work out, I guess I'll have to go from here.The sun hasn't shown today. It was covered up by white, flat clouds that covered the small valley that I currently reside in. I've been listening to slow songs. It's always better to watch rain fall fast and listen to a slow tempo song. It sort of gives a feeling of slow motion, or a music video. I always feel like I should be traveling by bus in the inner city somewhere, with headphones stuck in my ears while the cars pass by and I watch the people walking around by me. Maybe stuck in traffic, maybe traveling in the carpool lane, but I should be wearing a hoodie sweatshirt with my eyes fixed on nothing. You know that feeling I am thinking of. Kind of like being so tired you don't want to focus your eyes? That's the kind of feeling I am talking about. The music would just play, and the white lines of the road would pass and everything would have the same tempo as the song.Why don't people order their coffee "for hear" anymore? You know you can ask for you coffee in a ceramic cup at just about any
coffee shop you go to? It just has a better feeling. You can sit down, maybe nibble on a pastry, and enjoy your New York Times . You're probably too busy anymore though, right? That's what happens when we don't slow down. That's pretty much what I have done lately, I haven't slowed down. I need a coffee break. Sometimes I serve the customers at work and I envy them. They come in, order their coffee and grab a wooden chair in the lobby. Sitting down with their laptop, write a couple of emails, buy something on eBay or Amazon and continue by playing poker online with some people they will never meet. They are just coming in coffee, but what they got was a break. A break from just driving to work, clocking in, clocking out, and heading home in non-stop traffic. That's what I need.Let me leave you with this quote from Hank Ballard:
"If you're looking for youth, you're looking for longevity, just take a dose of rock 'n' roll. It keeps you going. Just like the caffeine in your coffee. Rock 'n' roll is good for the soul, for the well being, for the psyche, for your everything. I love it. I can't even picture being without rock 'n' roll."
Posted by Shay Thomason at 2:34 PM
Friday, March 24, 2006
If I Get a Tomorrow
Today was a different day. Sort of like this picture. It doesn't really make much sense. I mean, its all the elements that we would expect about a leaf and green grass, but there is something still odd about it. Today was kind of odd and different.
Work seemed to fly by in the beginning with no problems. Had some problems towards the end of the shift with the plumbing, but I stayed late and it was taken care of. During that time though I received some kind of intense news. Someone close to our church and friends died suddenly last night. He was a great father and husband. His death came sudden to the family and it was not expected. He was a middle aged man who loved the Lord Jesus Christ; he love his family; and he loved the military.
You see, he was chaplain, and his job consisted of telling families that their sons and/or daughters have died in service to our country. All he wanted to do was tell the men and women in the military about Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. But God decided last night that it would be better for this man to be with Him. Sometimes these things happen, and they happen so fast that we don't really understand everything that is going on. I spent a lot of time today with the family and it was hard. There were many tears. There were many hugs. Yet in all of this, they know their father is spending his eternity with Christ in heaven.
My wife and I spent some of the late evening just crying together for the family. We had a quiet dinner, but that's OK. When something like this hits close to home you can't help but think about those you love, and those who are close to you whom you wouldn't want to lose. We are recently married, and the thought of losing my wife is very difficult. God has his timing, and it is perfect. Sometimes we don't understand it, but God has a plan. I just need to trust the Lord with my life on a daily basis. Allow him to work in and through me to mature me and show me that my days are numbered. What am I doing with my life? What am I doing for Christ? All I can say is that if the Lord gives me a tomorrow, I will glorfiy him. I will honor him and trust him, because that's what I'm called to do.
Posted by Shay Thomason at 9:32 PM
Friday, March 17, 2006
Leave me a Voicemail!
Got real excited about this today!
Ok, if you have a cell phone and/or you don't have to worry about long distance try this!
1. Dial : (415) 856-0205
2. Enter 661-555-5555 at the prompt
3. PIN is 8888
4. Leave me a message
5. Press 1 to post (don't worry, I'll keep it private, unless it's really funny or something)
Seriously, it's my new number for voicemail. You can leave me a message on here and it I'll definitely get it! Follow all the steps.. it's great!! oh man.. I'm so happy.
Or.. the other alternative is to click on the button to your right -->>> and leave me a voicemail over your computer microphone. But calling me is so much more cellular of you...
Posted by Shay Thomason at 12:30 PM
101 Blogmations
My researchers tell me this my 101th blog. Now, that doesn't count the many previous "blogs" I did in high school which I aptly called my "journal". Oh man, those were the days. I had the blogsophere all to myself. Not anymore of course. Now I compete with hundreds of thousands of blogs throughout the internet galaxy. Such a sad commentary in our times.
Bethany and I went to a concert last night in Ventura (pictured center, left). That is the best man in my wedding with his microphone around his neck and his hands in the air. Behind him you see his drummer, Clayton, just going nuts. I love it. The concert was small in nature, but it was a good time to hang with the guys from Dizmas and my best friend Zach. They are great guys. While there I saw a band on the scene called Until June. Those guys are neat. They are from Los Angeles, which is also quite neat of them.
Have I mentioned that my parents are moving to Elizabethtown? Isn't that punk rock? If you haven't seen that movie, it's kind of funny, but I loved the soundtrack. Bethany and I might be heading back there near the end of April to check out the sites and visit with the parental units. You just never know, Shaycam on the road, I love it (times 2).
Spent some time this morning on Kaboodle.It seems to be some sort of bookmark collaborator, slash, community (which seems to be the way of the internet right now). If you go there, do a search for shaycam. You just might find me...oooo ...ahhh...
I am enjoying my 3 song ep from until june right now, I better go.
Posted by Shay Thomason at 9:03 AM
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Check One, Two?.. Shaycam. Are you there?
Hi? Sorry about that. I think I might have deleted something by accident. Maybe you came to my site in the past couple of days and you saw nothing. If that's the case... my bad. Ok, enjoy my blog!
Posted by Shay Thomason at 10:39 PM
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Steps to Find a Human
Yeah, I've got the day off today. Spending some time over at the church working John (the youth pastor) on some stuff, trying to finish it all up. But he left for lunch and I have been distracted.
I got really into today. I added it to my google homepage. Have I said that I love Google? I really do. Nevermind that right now, but is great. I think I had surfed by it one time before, but I didn't think anything of it. It's just a wonderful way of receiving the news of what's really going on. And you can find anything you want there, ahh.. finally.
Oh man, I was watching TV this morning and I found something I like, out of the box. Some guy decided (and I agree) that he's sick of waiting on the phone with some dumb automated system. So he made a site called
GetHuman. Click the link and check it out, it's great. Make sure you clck on "Database" at the top or the GetHuman logo. It has lots of 800 numbers and tells you the secret to talking to a person, and some hints as to what to do about getting through to people.
That's probably enough fun for one day. I'll be back later, maybe 2 posts in one day.
Posted by Shay Thomason at 1:06 PM
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Turn on the Blinker, We're Going Left
Life has many directions. I know this because I meet people at different crossroads all the time, and this week it has been at Starbucks. Take Richard (aka "Richy) for instance. Richy is an older retired fellow who worked for the postal service for 35 years. He comes into my Starbucks every day. He's fun to talk to and always has something to say. Recently he told me how he has been moving with his roommate to another apartment building. I don't know why they're moving, but it seems it has been taking them a long time. His roommate is a funny guy too. He has long hair (and I don't know his name) and owns TONS of Beatles paraphernalia. Richy on the other hand has been coming to Starbucks probably since it opened in 1971. He has every cup that you can think of and owns tons of Starbucks music CD's. Sometimes he buys new cups just to stay up with the trends.
Then take this other lady. I don't know her name, but she comes in often and has sort of a slur to her speech. I asked her how she was doing the other day and she proceeded to tell me that she walks with a limp, can't speak loudly or even yell, and does OK for the most part. I asked her why and she told me she got into a bad car accident when she was younger, it's pretty sad. But she's a super cool lady, and always leaves a tip and is friendly to all of us.
Then take another customer. The other day he came in a started talking to one of the other employees working with me. After a few minutes he started crying. I didn't really know what was going on, but after they were done talking my friend proceeded to tell me that this man's 15 year old son committed suicide. Horrible. My friend then told me that he knew the father (who was talking to him) and that he was, "... a good father.."
Today, in our apartment building, the fire department came to one of the rooms on our floor. After talking to the apartment manager I learned that this man hadn't been to work in a few days and they got worried and someone called 911. When they got there the man could barely move and they were checking for his life signs; I still don't know the outcome.
I am not sharing all of this so you will go away depressed, but merely to remind us all that everyone has a story. Life is sort of about stories. When I walk around all I hear are different opinions about this and that, and what one guys thinks about something else, and how this person got ahead in life and how this person lost someone special. Everything is a story. Without stories we don't have conversation. It could be a story about something that happened at work, or something that happened while driving. I mean, we listen to stories on the news all the time, but sometimes we become callous to it all I think. That's why this blog is title what it is. We don't even think about the blinker anymore. We just click it up or down and turn the direction we need to
I'm in the middle of my turn right now. I'm probably making a left hand turn because they are generally harder than most other turns. But that doesn't mean my life is hard, it just means that I'm turning and I've a got a little more to go. Maybe you're in the middle of a turn? I don't think there's a good way to end this blog, but I guess this is just how this kind of stuff is.
Posted by Shay Thomason at 9:53 PM