I spent some time in my hometown today. I saw my friends from Dizmas (pictured left). My friend Zach and I spent some time reminiscing about our days in elementary through high school. They happened to be practicing at our old school so Zach and I walked around and talked about everything we remember from playing kick the can to where Zach started dating a girl 6th grade. It was a good time.
Whenever I take a trip down memory lane it always makes me laugh. Life used to be so simple, but everything still seemed so intense. Everything seemed so big. After relaxing in the play area today I realized how small it all seemed to me now. It was weird, but it was good for me. You never want to forget your roots. When you forget the people who helped you, who cared for you, who wanted to see you succeed, if you forget those people, then you have committed a great crime. It's the crime of pride. You haven't gotten where you are today on your own. Someone helped you, someone helped shape you. Whether it's a teacher, friend, parent, friend's parent, or even a schoolyard bully, they have all in been apart of shaping who you are today. I am the Shay of today because an amazing group of people (too long to list them) came alongside me and challenged me in my daily life. They also encouraged me when I needed it. They were there for me. If you have the chance to go back to schoolyard you grew up in, I would highly recommend it. It's a great time of reflection and reminiscing which should be treasured in your later years.
Saw this elevator the other day in a parking garage. Elevators are fun.
I've been watching the Emmy's tonight which I wouldn't normally do, but Conan O'Brien was hosting it. Really, it's that and the fact that I'm obsessed with 24. I even listed them as my top 2 favorite TV shows on my listography. [see it here] TwentyFour (24) has taken 5 Emmy's and I'm stoked. They deserve every single one. If you haven't jumped on the bandwagon, you have about 4800 minutes of film to watch. It's some of the best television you will watch. Just trust me. I love the hype. They aren't even starting the 6th season until January 07. Genius, pure genius. I also wanted to note that The Amazing Race won it's 4th Emmy over American Idol. It's a great day for the Emmy's and for my personal favorites! OK, that's enough about Hollywood.
I'm enjoying some ice cream at the moment and getting ready to go to bed. Big day tomorrow (it being Monday and all). I'm off to bed.
Flew a few thousand miles this weekend. Unfortunately it was for my wife's grandpa's funeral, but it was good to see my inlaws and the rest of the family. We had a good time being with them even though it was under such bummer circumstances.
While we were up there we visited a bunch of places which was really fun. Bethany's dad took us to Mt. Rainier which was way cool. You see, the kids in Washington state have this thing about "their mountains." They think because they have so many sweet mountains that they can have all this pride about their state. I used to be a little more hostile when it came to this subject (because California has the tallest peak in the contiguous U.S. : cf "Mt. Whitney"), but after visiting I have a new appreciation for their massive volcanic mountains. They just look awesome. I'm sure if I was from Washington I would have that pride.
I took some pics along the way as you can see. There was some great scenery as you get closer and closer to the mountains. It was really a joy to be there. Above is a picture in this place with a bunch of trees. If my wife was here right now she would know the name of it, but it was really cool. They had hugemungous trees and a stream; good times.
Mt. Rainier (as shot from our plane ride home): Deer at Rainier: Big tree: More trees:
Down here we have a picture of this place called "Shay's Shoppe" which of course we had to pull over and take a picture of. I mean, it's not a normal name. Shay is a name for only a few. It's a name that I wear proudly each and every day and when I see it in any form I am excited beyond measure. Unfortunately this shop was closed, but if they ever open back up for business I'll be in there to buy something "real nice Clark, real nice."
I didn't sleep much last night because I was up late doing some work. Had a deadline to meet and so I stayed up until about 4AM finishing that up. No biggie. I'll grab a nap and be back on my feet! Never underestimate the power of the "power-nap"... goodnight.
I don't have friends; I don't "MySpace." That's how it seems these days. If you don't myspace, then you are nobody. If you don't myspace then you are just saying that you hate everything and everyone and you are just anti-social. Am I wrong?
I can't even believe that I can use the word "myspace" as a verb. Is there something wrong with me because I don't spend at least 20 minutes a day responding to friends comments and looking at their "myspaces." Because I don't have a video and my favorite song playing in a confusing world of the web. Because I don't have all the details including my shoe size avaiable for people to see and know. There must be something wrong with me; I just don't like MySpace.
I was hesistant even to blog concerning this social phenomenon, but I feel it must be stated what I believe about MySpace. I was laying in bed the other day and it finally came to me. Maybe this was already clear to a lot of people, but it finally hit me. The reason why MySpace is so popular is because it contains sin. It contains "real" poeple with "real" problems. The human race is attracted to sin. We like it. We like to read about it. We like to be apart of it. I am putting myself in this category. But I firmly believe that MySpace, or any social networking website, wouldn't be of any popularity if it wasn't for the sin that they contain. I am not saying that all social networking is bad and wrong, that's not my point. For that matter it's incredible that we can stay in touch with people that we haven't seen in 15 years over social networking sites. What I am saying is that I have seen people "open up" on their accounts in these sites and it's not pretty. It's not pretty because it's the effects of sin coming out. We like the attention and apparently we feel that attention comes by sharing everything. MySpace has millions of users because the human heart is wicked. Call me "out of line", "too conservative," or even "stupid," but it seems that is where I stand.
Don't make MySpace your idol. I am learning more and more that I am so attracted to this world, but I need to keep my mind focuse on the Creator of the universe. Keep my focus on what is eternal.
I read this is Psalm 119 today:
Blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the LORD! Blessed are those who keep his testimonies, who seek him with their whole heart, who also do no wrong, but walk in his ways! You have commanded your precepts to be kept diligently. Oh that my ways may be steadfast in keeping your statutes! Then I shall not be put to shame, having my eyes fixed on all your commandments. I will praise you with an upright heart, when I learn your righteous rules. I will keep your statutes; do not utterly forsake me!
Went to lunch with my friend Abe today and I was playing with a rubber band. As I was talking it happened to jump away from me and landed right in his soup.
I think it was just trying to blend in with it's surroundings. Good times.
I realized today that I probably spend a few hours a day just finding sites that are interesting or I like to use on a regular to not-so-regular basis. Here's the top 3 for today's surfers:
Kayak.com - "Flying somewhere?.." - Kayak is a fantastic search engine for the lowest priced tickets. It actually searches everything including the other major searches like Orbitz, Expedia, etc. Fun for the whole family (that is of course if you're not going to grandma's house.. just kidding).
Yes.com - Interestingly enough, it has nothing to do with the word "yes", but if you're a radio listenter then you'll be stoked to see what it has to offer. Make sure you search for your area code.
Yelp.com - Just found this one today. Might help you find a cool restaraunt or atmosphere to chill or take the wife to (for you non-married's it's still awesome).