Sunday, October 22, 2006
Pumpkin Time!
Well.. if you need to read about my most recent adventure, then goto But for now.. here's some backgrounds for your computer:
Click the picture to download your favorite one in a BIG size!
Lots O' Pumpkins
The Sunflower

Lots O' Small Pumpkins

Posted by Shay Thomason at 8:45 PM
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Doogie Howser Was My Friend

I realized today that I stopped writing. I used to write about anything and everything. Maybe I forgot what was for. When I started shaycam I just wanted a place to share my thoughts on anything and everything. Now, so many times I fear that I have nothing good to say, nothing worthy of someone's time. I think to myself, "well.. I don't want to post today, no one will have time to read that pointless banter.." Yet, that's not the point. Maybe it's actually that shaycam is more for me than it is for others. It's not a pride thing, it's just sometimes I need to type and think out loud. And whether someone joins my thoughts by reading it, then that's cool. Actually, it's a lot like
Doogie Howser. At the end of every show we would see Doogie (a teenage doctor), typing away at his computer. Typing about his day, typing about his previous experience. They were his thoughts, and just because we were able to sneak into his room and see what he was typing was cool. It was cool with him, and it was cool with us. That's what I wanted shaycam to be. I would always tell my mom that I wanted a computer like Doogie Howser. Well, I've got one, and I need to continue my quest to be like Doogie (which is a great name for a human being, might I add). Just had to get that off my chest. I look forward to many "open-minded" thoughts on
As well as writing whatever, whenever, I used to draw things on paper because I didn't know how to. I really felt that if I tried hard enough I would one day start drawing incredible portraits of people with sweet shading and features. Unfortunately, that's not how it works, at least for me. My friend Zach could always draw. It was frustrating growing up around someone that would "sketch" something I probably wouldn't be able to draw in my lifetime. That's probably why I got into photography. I figure, let God do the drawing/designing and I'll take photos of it. Many people have very successful businesses in photography doing just that. I guess we're always steal God's ideas anyway, it's not like we came up with a tree, or even sky.
All that to say I wish I could do things I really can't do. I wish I could write like many famous authors, I wish I could draw like many famous artists. But this is all I've got right now. I've got a few words on a webpage I made and some photos of stuff that God made. It's who I am. That's the best I can do right now. So be it.
Posted by Shay Thomason at 10:28 AM
Monday, October 09, 2006
Tree Hugger

OK, I woke up this morning to find some guys outside of my apartment trimming back the palm trees. I just though this was a hilarious opportunity for me to capture a candid shot of this guy. Now remember, I'm on the 3rd floor.. haha. Good times. Ok, that's all for now.
Posted by Shay Thomason at 10:09 AM
Thursday, October 05, 2006
For the past couple of days I have been listening to the
Resolved Conference 2005 sermons on my way to work. As a person that hears a couple sermons a week from some great men, I really believe that these sermons (at the conference) are some of the best I have heard in my lifetime. I really have been learning from these great preachers of God's Word. With that in my mind, let me move forward.
In his incredible 70 resolutions at the young age of 19,
Jonathan Edwards wrote this as an introduction: "Being sensible that I am unable to do anything without God's help, I do humbly entreat him by his grace to enable me to keep these resolutions, so far as they are agreeable to his will, for Christ's sake." I am amazed as I read that before he starts to
list his resolutions at his humility before God. It seems evident that he knows that he cannot keep these commitments without the help of God and him alone. But furthermore, he knew that he needed to be resolved in his heart before God to live a holy and righteous life. I am amazed truly amazed at his courage.
Are we losing this commitment today? If we are in Christ and we know him as our Savior, we would do ourselves a great service by asking our own hearts if we are losing this kind of commitment. Nothing on this earth could be greater than living a holy life before God. Maybe you have fallen away from Christ. Then get up, repent, and be restored to him. Maybe you are struggling through something... STOP! Stop sinning, repent, and be restored to God. Let's learn from men like Jonathan Edwards that we are "unable to do anything without God's help..." Let us be reminded today that God can see us even when no one is looking. Who will you be before God? I have to ask myself that question every day. Be committed to Christ, and let no other thing on this earth get in the way of that.
Posted by Shay Thomason at 2:22 PM
Sunday, October 01, 2006

The wife got a new book this weekend. She's likes U2 and we needed some more coffee table material. The best part about this photo is that it wasn't staged. Bethany was seriously reading this book, but I just thought it was hilarious how big it is. Normally you would see some relaxing on the couch with a small book, but not my wife, nope.. she's got a gynormous book and she's lovin' it.... classic.
Anyways, it's been awhile since I've blogged. Let me explain. I actually got a job. What you may not have known is that for most of the summer I have been jobless. I have basically been doing freelance graphic design and just trying to pursue some more work. But about 3 weeks ago I got a phone call from Amp'd Mobile and they wanted to hire me was a web designer. Needless to say I took the job and it's been a great experience. The only bummer is that I have to commute to the Santa Monica area every day, but the pay is good and the job is good, so I continue to fight the traffic. If you want to check them out just go to Right now I've just been adjusting to my new schedule and trying to learn and hopefully be an asset to the design team there. They are all great designers and I am privileged to be apart of that team (and I also want you to know it took me about 3 minutes just now to figure out how to spell "privileged", but nevermind that now).
Someone wanted me to post some of my designs from work, so here you go.. this one's for the kids.. thanks for reading.
Of course you need to click to enlarge it. I did the big advertisement with all the money. It was my first big project, way fun though.. ok.. see yah!

Posted by Shay Thomason at 3:20 PM